About Me

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Hello, dear viewer, and thank you for visiting my blog! I am a dedicated (and certified) Food Coach and Personal Trainer with a very individual attitude to coaching. I search to look beyond people's health issues and modify their lifestyles so that they can live a healthier life, increase vitality and longevity. Recently as a strong believer in natural healing I have published two books on Ayurveda and how to use Ayurveda lifestyle and food at home. Further, I am very much into TCM and the concept of original Chinese Food, especially after my recent stay in China. I am striving to become a Yoga expert through intense training and am practicing some kind of exercise every single day. My second blog http://thrumyeyes-kat.blogspot.com/ is dedicated to my passion to capture the world with my camera and create my own world like that. Everything you will find on these pages about nutrition and exercising is authentic and self-tested. Enjoy and don't forget to send me your comments, which are always welcome in my attempt to meet your expectations even better!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Xenohormones - a harmful hidden substance

Dear audience,

My today’s post is only partially about nutrition, but I could not withstand from drawing your attention to a very harmful substance, which I stumbled upon very recently and which unfortunately is hidden in many, many things we deal with daily.

Many of us are already participating in the daily conquest to eat healthy food, to avoid allergic substances, to use organic cosmetic, to wear untreated clothes – there seems to be no end and as these things are brought to our attention only very slowly and reluctantly I feel the need to spread the word.
I want to introduce you to xenohormones! These are artificially generated hormones, which you will not find inside our natural hormonal system. While you can do something about changing your diet, sleep, exercise and stress, you may not know how to avoid environmental estrogens. 

"Our primary problem with them is that they damage developing tissues in the endocrine system, which includes the thyroid, the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the testicles and ovaries, and the pancreas (which produces insulin).A damaged endocrine system can, in turn, damage the reproductive organs such as the prostate and uterus, the immune system, blood sugar balance, and the ability of the brain to communicate with these systems. While many xenohormones have estrogenic effects, they can also be anti-estrogenic in the sense that they bind to estrogen receptors and in effect block their own potential estrogenic effect." (Quote Dr. John R Lee).

Mature tissue is less sensitive to xenohormones, but still takes damage, while immature tissue is more prone to damage, this means that a developing fetus, which through his mother comes into contact with xenohormones will be severely damaged. And the results of these damages will come out once the child reaches adulthood. Why do nowadays so many men have a low sperm count? And why do so many of us women even at young age do suffer from miscarriages? Unfortunately, our parents were not aware of these things, but we are. And we can do something to protect ourselves. This substance is a cause for various forms of cancer and especially also for a huge number of disorders in the reproductive system. 

"The vast majority of these xenohormones are man-made petrochemical products used in pesticides, cleaning agents, solvents, adhesives, emulsifiers, plastics and many other chemicals used in manufacturing and industry." (Quote Dr. John R Lee)

This is only one of about 100.000 pollutants, which we are exposed to, but it is one, which we encounter nearly every day. At this moment avoiding xenohormone exposure may seem too big a problem to overcome, but respecting some of the following hints will be helpful (the guidelines are important for all of us, but essential for pregnant women and children!): 

  • All pesticides, fungicides and herbicides are toxic. Do whatever you can to avoid them. This means anything used to kill bugs, fungus or plants.
  • Avoid processed and packaged foods and eat primarily fresh, whole and preferably organic foods. Livestock is often fed these substances through drugs or grains, always be aware to buy pesticide-free food.
  • Store your food in glass containers. If you cover food with plastic wrap, don't let it touch the food. Never microwave or heat food in a plastic container.
  • Investing in a water filter might be a good option. Water from bottles can contain harmful substances from the plastic bottle.
  • If you build a new home, do it without particle board, laminated wood and wood veneers, or other materials that out-gas chemicals. Find carpets that are free of fumes and toxic adhesives.
  • Use organic, eco-friendly detergents, soaps and shampoos. The skin as our largest organ transfers chemicals into our system more efficiently than our guts. Buy those, which you believe are least harmful.
  • Avoid solvents. If you must use them, protect your skin (they enter the bloodstream quickly through the skin) and don't breathe the fumes. There are solvents in nail polish and nail polish remover, which are very popular among young teens, which are vulnerable to reproductive damage. They are found in chlorinated tampons, hairspray, perfumes, and oral contraceptives. Use non-bleached toilet paper, coffee filters, tissues etc.
  • Soft plastic toys for small children can be harmful as well, especially at an age where they put everything into their mouth.
 There are two herbal ways to fight the hormonal imbalance we might suffer from through xenohormones, xenoestrogenes and hormone therapy:

Herbal Formula (ProSoothe)
An all natural herbal formula that significantly improves hormonal imbalance: Uterine fibroids and pelvic pain/cramps, irritability, tension, mood swings, acne, headaches, breast pain, bloating and weight gain. The herb vitex/chaste tree has long been a stable for women who are re-balancing their body of excess estrogen from environmental exposure, to xenohormones, xenoestrogens and hormone therapy.

Milk Thistle (Silymarin)
Beyond the treatment of liver disorders, everyday care of the liver lays a cornerstone health. Holistic doctors, who look beneath the symptoms of an illness to its underlying cause, often discover that the liver has had a role to play. This is true across a vast range of different ailments including exposure to endocrine disruptors. The herb commonly called milk thistle cleanses the body of xenoestrogens by strengthening the liver which becomes weakened and less able to function optimally from all pharmaceutical and chemical exposure. Whether the drug is prescribed or over the counter they all hamper the livers ability to keep you balanced hormonally.

(Source: http://www.womenlivingnaturally.com/)

People often ask me why I so much put a finger on a healthy nutrition, supplementing and eco-friendly products. I can only repeat myself: nowadays there is such a huge number of toxins and poisonous substances that our bodies have to fight everyday that if we do not pay extra attention to what WE give to them, they will really have a very hard time to fight and more often than seldom will lose the battle. This is not about panicking, but about being attentive and cautious. I think, it is worth a try at least….


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The "fat" question

Good morning to all of you!
Sometimes in order to meet my reader’s requirements even better, I ask my friends what kind of nutrition topics they would be interested in. A dear girlfriend of mine recently asked me about a Low Fat Diet.

So here we go:

Usually Low Fat Diets are designed to cut heart risk, losing some weight could only be a side effect, but never the main goal and the whole thing is – as you will see further on – always related to the good old so-called lifestyle change. 

There are facts to be aware of though when it comes to fat and a useful benefit of changing your fat intake is to lower bad Cholesterol (LDL).

The low-fat diet is based on a very simple principle: dietary fat provides more than two times as many calories as carbohydrate or protein (the other two calorie providing nutrients). If you eat 5g of fat you will be eating 45 calories and if you eat 5g of carbohydrate or protein you will only be eating 20 calories. Weight loss occurs when you eat slightly less than your body needs, forcing it to make up the difference with the energy from stored body fat. With this in mind, low-fat diets would seem like a terrific idea. Less fat, less calories, the more the body has to use up its own fat to make up the difference. But it is not all that simple!

The main goal of this diet - and there the lifestyle change kicks in -  has to be to CHANGE the fats you are consuming. From this point onwards, I will not talk about a “Low Fat” Diet any longer, but I will tell you something about FAT. Important is: control how much and most importantly what kind of fat you are adding to your food!

There are – as most of you will be aware of – various types of fat. The two most harmful varieties are saturated fat and trans fat. Saturated fat, which comes primarily from animal products like meat and milk, raises "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, and has been linked to increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Trans fat, a manufactured fat produced when vegetable oil undergoes a process called partial hydrogenation, bumps up “bad” LDL cholesterol and lowers "good" HDL cholesterol as well, further boosting the risk of heart disease. 

 And then there are the healthy fats! I am speaking about the unsaturated fats, which include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats are thought to improve the levels of cholesterol and insulin and help control blood sugar. Sources include extra virgin olive oil, oils derived from ground nuts, and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats, from sources including soybean oil and fatty cold water fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which research suggests thwart heart disease and diabetes.

With a diet that deprives you of those fats, you could be set up for future sugar imbalances and even for weight gain. Also, some vitamins require fat to dissolve in order to nourish your body; if you don't get enough, you may become deficient in fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K, and essential fatty acids.

And there is more!

The right fats help to cut down carbohydrates in your body.

What is right though, and most nutrition experts agree on that, is that you should never overeat on fat. And that is where the term “low fat” hits in!

Let’s sum it up:

1.)         Avoid trans fats completely (junk food, margarine, french fries etc.)
2.)         Consume monounsaturated fats in moderation (olive oil, almonds etc)
3.)         Control, but never neglect, your intake of Omega 3-fats (nuts, seeds, fish oil, algae sources)

So rather than a low fat diet, one should focus on consuming the right fats in moderation and avoiding the fats that can be detrimental to one's health and well-being.

“What’s with low fat products?” …would be your next question. I personally as a Food Coach do not recommend low fat products. Why? What takes the place of fat in low-fat foods to provide the flavor and that special texture? The most likely culprits are high-fructose corn syrup, salt and artificial sweeteners – three things your body definitely does not need. Read the ingredients on a low-fat tub of strawberry yogurt, and you will see that this “health” food is actually a minefield of sugar and artificial ingredients. You tend to overeat on a low fat diet as you feel you are “on the safe side”.

A much better solution is to opt for organic full fat products and reduce the quantity of your consumption. One spoonful of full fat sour cream on your potato is far more satisfying than three scoops of non-fat sour “cream.” It is better for your body as it provides you with the good ingredients and vitamins, and better for your mind as it gives you no sense of deprivation.

Focus on introducing the so-called “healthy” fats into your diet such as those found in walnuts, almonds, avocado and olives. Your body and brain will thank you, and you will probably find that you are feeling healthier and more energetic as well.


 What should I eat now in order to change my fat intake?

  • Think lean protein (meat, preferably lean poultry, soya products, legumes)

  • Lots of veggies (only stir fry them quickly, use high quality vegetable oil / soya bean oil for frying, not Olive Oil as it has a too low Smoke Point)

  • Load up on fruits and greens, cabbage is packed with vitamins

  • Whole grains (your slice of brown bread is delicious with olive oil or Houmus. You do not always have to use butter)

  • Fish (opt for white fish, once in a while though a salmon steak is a very healthy variation, mackerel is a great source for Omega 3)

  • Nuts & Seeds (these are full of your essential fatty acids. But: control consumption! A handful of mixed nuts/day is enough. Sprinkle flax seed over your muesli or your piece of fish for lunch)

  • All the high fat dairy just cut down drastically on the consumption. Have a small piece of cheese, have a small yogurt, drink a small glass of fresh, organic milk. Remember that fermented milk products are better and easier to digest.
  • Do not load your salad with Extra Virgin Olive Oil! Remember that each spoon of Oil still has 14kcal. 2 tbsp are enough for a portion of salad.

If you are curious now and want to get more detailed information, I can recommend this very helpful website:

As for baking (I never bake I must admit…), have a look at the explanations on the following link:

Remember: a diet, whatever goal it might have, should never be a time reduced change in your nutrition. A diet has to originate from an overall desire for a change in your lifestyle! Always ask yourself: can I see myself eating this way a year from now? If you cannot, don’t go down that path as you might do yourself more harm than good!