so here we are in Dubai facing another beautiful sunny day, thankfully it has cooled down a bit over night. Before I head to the beach (yes, I know you envy me....) let me write about an important issue, which concerns many people in many countries: Heartburn!
Heartburn is a very unpleasant result of wrong eating habits and lifestyle choices in general that will trigger a reflux of gastric acid. Usually you can influence it quite easily, but let me stress that if you are suffering from heartburn several times a week, I can only recommend you to see your physician as it can also be related to some more severe illnesses! Do not ignore it!
For those of you, who face occasional heartburn following some advice to calm down the burning:

Eat slowly, eat smaller meals and avoid these:
- Citrus fruits
- Citrus juices
- Chocolate
- Peppermint
- Excessive alcohol consumption (especially red wine)
- Tomatoes and tomato-based products
- Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee
- Carbonated beverages, such as colas
- Smoking
- Spicy food
-If you are still facing heartburn, keep your head elevated when you lie down, so your head is higher than your stomach.
-Try to reduce stress in your life! Stress is a major trigger for acid in your body.
-Dairy does NOT help! It may bring you short-term relieve, but in the end will induce the production of even more acid in your body.
Try the following natural remedies for occasional heartburn:
1. Bananas (fresh or dried) are alkaline, include them into your diet
2. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is another remedy used for heartburn. It is available in chewable tablets or capsules you can break open and dissolve in water. You should not use DGL if you have been diagnosed with hypertension and/or are receiving treatment for hypertension.
3. Chamomille Tea
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
5. Fresh Ginger
6. Turmeric
Include these foods into your diet and avoid the above mentioned and you will notice a reduction of occasional heartburn!
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